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Poker New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! We all know it's that time of the year where we look at ourselves and say "how can I make my life better." Sure, there are the typical new year resolutions like trying to lose weight or stop cheating on your wife, but what truly better new year resolution is there than to improve your poker game? Here are a few new year resolutions for poker players. Vow to Never Go on Tilt online poker 468x60 Chances are you have been playing poker for quite a few years by now. At some point, you just have to figure you've seen everything at the poker table by now, so why let it get to you? There's really no room for emotions in poker, so just vow not to have any anymore! No more tilt due to getting hit by a cold deck or bad beats, and no more going on a win tilt if you happen to have a good rush of cards. Just play disciplined poker throughout the year devoid of any emotional turbulence. Keep Track of Your Wins/Losses Don't guess anymore what your win rate is anymore, track it. If you haven't been doing this already, there is no better time to start. Either use a third party application, an excel spreadsheet, or Check Your Bets. Any of these will do the trick, and you'll have a better understanding of what games and stakes to focus on. Take Your Poker Game To The Next Level Poker is a game of relative skill. It's not just how good you are, but how good your opponents are as well. As time has gone by, the poker community in general has gotten better at the game, so the only way to keep your edge is to improve your game more. Take the time this year to identify some of your leaks and find ways to hone in on your edges. Whether it is value betting better, making better reads, or improving your game selection, resolve that you will significantly improve your poker game in one way or another. Play More Poker...Or Less If you think you should spend more time playing poker or think you may be spending too much and need to focus on other things, resolve to make this change. Either clear out more time in your schedule so you can play cards, or decide you need to spend more time working, with your family, and play less poker. Respect Your Opponents More By now, most people in the poker world are at least decent at the game. Respecting your opponents is the first step to better game selection as well as getting a better read on your opponents. Don't just blindly assume you are better than everyone else at the table; more than likely this will lead to playing too many hands as well as making other bad decisions at the table. Play at More Sites A lot of players just blindly play at PokerStars, even though it is one of the toughest online sites out there. Perhaps you should give other sites more of a shot. Your win rate will likely go up. A site like 888 Poker has some of the softest games out there right now. Brach Out To Different Games If you are good at poker, there is a good chance you will be good at other skilled games. A lot of US and Canadian poker players have branched out to daily fantasy sports as a new method of making money and having fun. Like poker, daily fantasy sports is heavily based on probability and the concept of expected value. If you haven't tried daily fantasy sports yet, check out a site like Draftkings or Sport Tradex. Enjoy The Game Poker is supposed to be fun! Perhaps the best new year's resolution is to just remember that a little bit more often.

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