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Best Poker Player Twitter Accounts

If you haven't checked out the microblogging site Twitter, you're in a rapidly shrinking group. The site allows people to "Tweet" brief (a maximum of 140 character) updates about their lives or anything else for that matter. Many celebrities and professional poker players use the site as a means for keeping fans updated on their lives. A vast majority of Twitter accounts basically suck. This might be because they're not updated often enough or when they are updated, the content is boring crap. There are however a few decent Twitter accounts out there maintained by figures in the poker world that are worth checking out in a time of boredom. online poker 468x60 @TexDolly Although he is seemingly as old as time, that hasn't inhibited Doyle Brunson from being one of the best poker playing Tweeters (Twitters? Twirps?... whatever). Brunson is as reliable as anyone on the site. He sometimes posts nearly a dozen Tweets in a single day. It's kind of sad when a 76 year old has above-average energy for those in his profession. Many of Brunson's messages are some variation of a dumb blonde joke, but occasionally he speaks out politically. Recently, Brunson got himself into a little trouble when he wrote this about President Barack Obama, "The Democrats say 'give Obama time.' Us Repubicans [sic] agree, 25 to life seems appropriate." A flurry of comments hit Brunson's page following that perhaps tactless jab at the President. It took someone saying that they would no longer play at DoylesRoom.com for Brunson to apologize for the comment. As Brunson gets older, followers of his Twitter account might be treated to more senseless ramblings of an old man, so stay tuned! @Erik_Seidel In real life, eight-time bracelet winner Erik Seidel is as quiet and unassuming as they come. It turns out that behind his shy demeanor is a pretty witty fellow. Through his Twitter account, Seidel regularly posts sarcastic quips from his daily life. Most of them are kind of cheesy but some of them are actually pretty funny. Regarding the recent PokerStars Caribbean Adventure in the Bahamas, Seidel Tweeted, "couple thousand internet kids in Bahamas for PCA. Worst week of the year in Atlantis for the sellers of suntan lotion." The joke was presumably meant to be a jab at the propensity young online poker players have for never venturing outdoors. @JoeSebok Joe Sebok has somehow amassed over one million followers on his Twitter account. How he did this is both impressive and kind of mysterious. It makes him by far the most followed poker Twitter user (for contrast, Doyle Brunson has 330,000 followers). Most of Sebok's posts update readers with a tidbit from his daily life. Sometimes he posts a cool quote that can be kind of enlightening. One reason Sebok might get a lot of followers is that he updates constantly which is something that most poker players seem to be too lazy to do. @RealKidPoker Daniel Negreanu is one of the best poker bloggers, so it's not surprising that he also excels at maintaining his Twitter account. Virtually all of Negreanu's Tweets are just updates about his life. He seems to have a likable personality and an interesting life so his Twitter account is decently worthwhile. It would be nice if he talked more about specific poker hands though. @basebaldy Card Player Magazine's 2009 Player of the Year, Eric Baldwin, keeps a really good Twitter account that updates readers about his life on the tournament trail. On New Year's Eve, Baldwin quipped, "can we run 2009 again at midnight?" I'd be wanting to run the year again too if I had as much success as he did! @RoothlusUncut Online poker pro Adam "Roothlus" Levy has applied a pretty interesting use for Twitter. Rather than post updates about his life or thoughts on politics, Levy only posts quotes he hears that leave you wondering what conversation was being had and who on earth he hangs out with. For example, a recent Tweet from Levy read, "I didn't actually put my lips on it." Whatever he does and whoever he hangs out with away from the poker table seems pretty... uhhh... peculiar. @eskimoclark No poker Twitter account makes me laugh more than that of Eskimo Clark. The only catch is, it's not really Eskimo Clark posting the updates. Some anonymous author pretends to blog as the poker player well-known for his propensity to request loans in order to stay in the game. Most posts involve "Clark" cleverly asking people in the poker community for backing in a tournament. His latest post reads, "all this rain in LA sucks. I planned on sleeping in a tent in the Commerce parking lot." Follow this account and you will also occasionally be treated to Eskimo's "Lock of the Day" sports pick. Whoever maintains this account is hilarious and should update it more often!

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